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QSW (Qualified Social Worker)

Somerset Locum

Job Description

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We require an experienced child protection social worker for our Child Protection Service that completes, C&F assessments, Section 7&37, CIN and CP plans along with PLO.
Average case load in CP 18 children

  • Full IT to a high standard
  • Fully functional Early Help Offer and MST
  • Robust senior leadership support from visible leaders
  • Recently audited by peers and received high praise in relation to PLO and actions that the LA take to safeguard
  • Ofsted focused visit is completed following inspection last year and we are viewed as improving

2-3 years minimum Child Protection experience required
2. To carry out timely assessments on children, young people and families in accordance with the Framework for Assessment and working together guidance.
3. Ensure assessments and planning for children and young people actively promote the participation and engagement of all relevant agencies, the child/young person and their family.
4. Prepare/formulate care plans for children and young people which take account of their views wishes in the implementation of those care plans.
5. To maintain case records to a high standard and produce reports in accordance with the Service guidance/policy and procedure which reflect national guidelines using the relevant information technology.
6. To ensure that the diverse needs of children, young people and their families are identified, met and regularly reviewed and plans updated to reflect any subsequent changes.
7. To participate in developmental activities as may be required, and to promote improvement of service or the use of resources.
8. Ensure the statutory duties of the Council are fulfilled and met in accordance with legal requirements and Service responsibilities in relation to statutory reviews or instruments in accordance with the responsibilities of the post taking into consideration the council’s duty to promote and safeguard a child’s welfare.

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