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Occupational Therapist
Job Description
Job Title: Occupational Therapist
Location: City of Doncaster Council
Area: South Yorkshire Social Services
Salary: £negotiable
Job Type: Locum
Contract length: Ongoing
Job details: Adults. JD available on request:
- Promote independence and reduce risks for adults with disabilities living in Doncaster. Work with the social model of disability and use evidence-based practice to carry out person centre assessments to identify need and take appropriate action. Use person centred methods that respect individual values, cultures and diversity to identify needs and devise individual interventions to meet need. Where statutory provision is not appropriate offer information and advice around self-directed support.
- There is a requirement to provide a high quality, evidence-based, Integrated Community Equipment and Adaptations Service to people in their own homes which will be achieved by carrying a complex caseload and using a robust performance management framework to ensure effective service delivery by all officers working in the service.
- This service is target driven with a clear focus on activity and performance. The post holder is required to meet performance targets, actively participate in the data capture process and report to the Deputy Principal OT / Principal OT when targets are not met.
- To provide expert clinical knowledge on manual handling issues and support other colleagues with the most complex manual handling cases.
Code: U.XMS 0009 4DFA / 1. 018009.B13025
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