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We are always looking for candidates skilled in mental health and psychological therapies and working as locums to fill demanding roles.

After registering with us we support you on an on-going basis, from initial registration through application, interviews, statutory checks and revalidations. We will also deal with any issues that may arise. Working shifts across public and private sector mental health in-patient hospitals and within the community as NHS community psychiatric nurses, you will receive excellent rates of pay from the positions best suited to your skills and cultural mindset.

We have all the compliance documents (download here) you need and once you start work you will be paid through an FCA regulated aggregator which guarantees a compliant and efficient payment process. See for more information

Some of our current placements include:

  • Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs)
  • Registered Mental Health Nurses – both community and inpatient (Bands, 5, 6 &7)
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Professionals
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Other Psychological Therapy roles

If you are thinking about becoming a locum worker, or are looking for your next move, speak to our consultants today.



Once we are confident your CV shows you have the basic criteria and levels of spoken English, you will be shortlisted. From this point on, we are on hand to support you through the process and ensure you make it past the finish line.


If you are required to undertake an assessment, we work with you so you know exactly what you are expected to do, when, how and when you’ll get your results. If you need to prepare, we will tell you in advance and point you in the direction of additional information.

Registration with 
professional bodies

See previous sections


If you are UK based then the interview is likely to be held face-to-face. If you are applying from abroad you may be invited to take part in a face-to-face interview, or you may be interviewed over Skype. We will make sure you have access to the correct equipment for a smooth interview. Our job is to make sure you are as prepared as you can be for your interview, so if you need additional support, we can offer it.


Changing jobs is hard enough but moving to a new country brings with it different – though exciting – challenges. Our support extends to house hunting, making sure you move to a community that suits your needs, that you have access to your preferred mode of transport and are comfortable as you begin your new adventure.

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We are here to help

Find out how we can help you find the best candidates or social work and nursing roles by contacting a member of our knowledgeable tripod international team today.

Call 020 3096 5000

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